Monday, 28 August 2006


最近因胃出现了毛病, 而导致在星期五入院检查. 检查结果出来, 证实我得了 幽門螺旋桿菌(Helicobacter Pylori).

什么是幽門螺旋桿菌呢? 根据医学报告, 幽門螺旋桿菌起先被發現是可引起胃炎,但隨著研究的進行,它也被發現與胃潰瘍、十二指腸潰瘍甚至胃癌,都可能有密切的關聯,或是這些疾病的主要誘因。後來國際癌症研究組在廣泛文獻回顧後,判定幽門螺旋桿菌為第一類的致癌物質,也就是說,這些學者依據文獻報告,認為已有足夠證據顯示幽門螺旋桿菌的感染,會增加人類得到癌症的危險性。

大概是在12.30pm入院, 但因为医院的房间都爆满了. 惟有痴痴的等. 一直到2.30pm才让我进房. 接着, 就开始一系列的检查了: blood test, urine test, ultra-sound on abdomen & pelvis, endoscopy等. 一个人在医院就这样呆了两天, 好可怜哦!

现在除了吃药, 就得好好的管理自己的饮食习惯. No more spicy & fried foods, No more coffee, No more raw foods. 咖啡, 寿司, tom yam, laksa, 海鲜都是我的最爱.但现在却得向它们告别了, 我想是时候开始吃素了!!

唉….要到何时才能完全复原呢? 看见那一包包的药, 就觉得恐惧了!!!

Tuesday, 15 August 2006

Bad news...

My boss just informed me that our company will be shifted to a new office which located somewhere at Kota Damansara or Dataran Prima by end of this year. Reason given was heavy traffic at Kepong. By moving to new office, it will be more convinience for her to travel from her house to office (She stayed at Tropicana). No more jam, no more husle & busle road.

But to me, that was pretty BAD news. It so far away from my house!!! In addition, LDP is famous with bad traffic especially early in the morning & evening. I've been travelled using LDP for more than 4 years & i know how bad it is.

OMG, I can imagine life after shifted to new office. No more wake-up at 7.30am, no more lunch at home, no more extra money can be save up. I even need to spend on the toll & parking fees as well. Shiitttt..........

Saturday, 5 August 2006

Cuppy Cake

在网上,无意中看见了这家 pastry shop 的 concept, 挺特别的! 她们的Cuppy Cake 好可爱哦.... 听说, 她们将会为你定做你要的 theme. Eg: wedding cake, party cake etc. 不同的 theme, 都有不同的价钱. 当然, 价钱也不便宜呢......!

可爱吧? 但不晓得好不好吃.....一定要去试一试!!