Wednesday 13 May 2009

God damn IT idiot...

I don't like to rant so much about my work like I used to. Afterall, it's still works that never stop piling up on my desk. However, when 'This' happened really put me on fire. Guess what... my hard disk corrupted and all data gone with wind. Is anyone of you never piss off with this when you have to do all your reports (not 1 report) all over again?

Initially, I found an expired 'antivirus' software telling my PC has infected by don't know what virus. I made a called to our IT Dept and according to that IT expertise, a few scanning process may cure the virus. Fine, sent my CPU to him and he came back to tell me that my hard disk has suddenly got corrupted with don't know what reason. Isn't it ridiculous???

1 comment:

Julie said...

It happened to me before on my working PC and house PC. Felt so down and angry.

Does your IT guy know what to do or not? Sometimes you can recover some of the corrupted datas.