Friday 24 July 2009

Justice for us...

I'm not a political news reader, somehow the death of a chinese man, Teoh Beng HOck who is an aide to an opposition legislator caught my attention about his mystery death. I saw the TV news reported about HIM, I heard my colleagues talking about his death and I found my friend put this as their MSN subject.

Thus, I started to dig the stories online. It's rather a political interrogation that led to HIS death. His death was declared as suicide but everyone knowing his is going to be married the next day of his investigation at MACC. I'm not sure what will cause TBH to suicide (supposed he is) when he knew that he has a beloved wife-to be awaiting him and what's more with a new life is coming soon. Doesn't that sound so contradict???

I hope there do have justice out there to find the truth. Not only because of Teo Beng Hock but we as a citizen of Malaysia, it's time for us to reunite and to bring out the justice. A justice that protect us, not 'Cabinet'....

To read more about TBH stories, click HERE...

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