Tuesday 6 October 2009

Disneyland, can we??

We had been so busy since the day we bought the house. From the purchasing to the entire renovation, Stew has never take a good rest and so do I. Stew has to monitor on the works and I had to monitor on the 2 ‘babies’ which need to be accompanied all the time.

I told Stew that I wish to settle down everything within this month and have a good rest. I hinted him that many blogger mommies were went to vacation especially to Hong Kong. Yeah, I wish to go there too. I wish Stew able to sponsor us (the children & me) on the Disney Tickets. I wish to experience the fairytale moment where I’ve been long waited.

Stew, will you? I texted him about it and he replied this: ‘wait till AA got free tickets first’…. LOL

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