Wednesday 15 April 2009

Smiles Predict Marriage Success

I read a very meaningful article lately. It called ‘Smiles Predict Marriage Success’.

The research has been carried on people over age 65 to provide photos from their childhood (average age of 10yo) by rated their smile intensity from 1 to 10. The result indicated people who frowned are 5 times likely to have broken marriage than people who smile always.

I do believe that smiling does give a positive disposition towards life. A smiling face tends to attract more friends, and a larger support network makes it easier to keep a marriage healthy. No matter how ugly you probably like, always keep a smiling face and you will find life is so wonderful.

P/s: If you want to know whether your marriage will survive, look at yours and your spouse's childhood photos. If both of you smile like a ‘grabbing a piece of gold’, very high percentage show you will have a success marriage. But no 100% guaranteed!! Hahaha….


Merryn said...

alamax.. habis lah! i smile a lot but my hubs dont! finish!

Sweetie Michelle said...

i like this :D