Tuesday 2 June 2009

She deserved for the credits...

Having to work under a female boss, probably you can imagine how hard work can be. The first day I met my boss, I know she is not an easy boss to handle. In fact, I never expect life can be such tough where she is 100% Perfectism kind of person. Nothing I did up to her requirements. Somehow I still try my very best to meet one.

After a year of tenure, out of today I felt so worthwhile for everything I did. Guess what, my boss just past a bottle of Chrysanthemum tea to me as though I was so sick with my throat infection. The tea was actually prepared by her early in the morning. How grateful I am to have it. Imagine a very bossy, fussy boss cook the tea herself and give it to her subordinate. Guess nothing can beat the heartwarming tea...

I shall appreciate for having a boss indeed care for me. Thanks anywhere...

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